Garden Fencing For Privacy

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden



If you want to keep rabbits away from your garden, there are several things you can do. You can use fences and chicken wire, and you can also use repellents that release a repulsive smell. You should consider using repellents that contain flavor, as these tend to be more effective. However, you must make sure not to use repellents that render your vegetables inedible. Since rabbits are voracious eaters, they will likely try to eat anything, even your vegetables!

Chicken wire

Rabbits are among the most destructive garden pests. Their burrowing habits allow them to chew through nearly any type of plant’s foliage. While they tend to be more active in spring and summer, they can eat trees, bushes and shrubs all year round. Using chicken wire to keep rabbits out of the garden can help you keep them away from your prized plants and fruit.

The first step in creating a rabbit fence is to lay out the area to be covered. You can use chicken wire or hardware cloth. Once the panels are laid out, use zip ties to secure them in place. It is recommended to build rabbit fencing at least six feet in depth and two feet wide.

For the best results, use a 30-36-inch high fence made of woven wire mesh with a 1 inch spacing between each bar. If your fence is taller than this, you can bury it at least six inches below ground level. This will prevent the rabbits from digging underneath the fence. Another option is to lay the chicken wire over young plants and small plants to protect them from rabbits. If you use mesh netting, you should make sure to anchor the edges so that they will stay buried.


There are several ways to keep rabbits from your garden. One way is to install an electric fence. This can be set three or six inches high and will repel rabbits from the area. You should check the fence often to make sure that it doesn’t have any holes in it.

Another option is to use a fence made of chicken wire. This type of fencing has openings that are small on the bottom and gradually increase in size towards the top. The wire can be stretched snugly against the posts and fastened with zip ties. After putting up the fence, it’s time to make sure that the rabbits can’t squeeze through the holes.

You can also use a mini-fence to protect individual plants. It should be about an inch wide with a half-inch gap to allow the plants to grow. You can bury or bend the mesh so that it doesn’t get too close to the plants. Rabbits tend to nest in gardens. If you notice low-lying shrubs or dense vegetation, these could be the perfect hiding places for the rabbits.

Disgusting smells

Disgusting smells can be an effective deterrent if you want to keep rabbits out of your garden. Rabbits are incredibly sensitive to smell, so any odor that resembles a predator’s scent will likely scare them away. Other scents, however, may just “annoy” them instead of scaring them away. Think of it like this: if a restaurant had an odor of rotting eggs in it, you wouldn’t eat there. Using smells to drive rabbits away is the best way to ensure they stay out of your garden.

When rabbits poop, they produce cecotropes, small mushy poos that can smell awful. They are made up of proteins and vitamins. These substances can be ingested and are often grouped together. Rabbits need a more nutritious diet to remain healthy.

Disgusting smells from a rabbit’s cage can be avoided by keeping it clean. The food and water bowls should be regularly cleaned. The cage should be kept free of litter and bedding.

Predatory animals

To keep rabbits out of your garden, you need to create physical barriers. These barriers could be fences, cages, or raised beds. Rabbits can jump two feet so it’s important to build a solid barrier that is high enough to keep the rabbits out.

One way to deter rabbits is to use an unpleasant smell. Rabbits have very sensitive noses, so any smell that resembles a predator will scare them away. They will also avoid your garden if it smells bad. You can try using dog scent or bone meal on your plants.

You can also install electric fencing. The wires should be three to six inches above the ground. You can also install floating row covers, which will protect your plants at night. However, you should be aware that rabbits don’t like the smell of flowers and herbs.

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