10 Best Paint Colors to Get You Those Moody Vibes
For a good long while now, white has been pushing its way into every nook and cranny of our homes. White walls, white linens, white cabinets, white floors, white and clean and bright everywhere. But recently we’ve been seeing some colors pushing back. In particular, colors give a room a deep mood feel. These moody rooms…
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Whether you want to curl up on the couch with a cup of tea, or in bed with a dark fantasy novel, picking any one of these colors is sure to give your room the moody feel that you desire. Just remember to keep the mood paint colors to the darker shades, and skip the lighthearted accents and whatever color you pick is sure to work wonders on the effect your room has. And don’t be afraid to experiment and use these colors to change the moodiness of every room in your home!
Paint Colors You Can Use To Create A Moody Room
1. Shades of Dark Blue
When you think of the color brown, what comes to mind? Usually, it’s the dirt in your garden, the wood grain of your table, the crocheted throw on your couch.
2. Dark and Deep Greens
Even in dark shades, the best part about brown is that it’s a color that will compliment whatever other colors you decide to decorate with. So take a leap of faith and go moody with it. {Image sources:1, 2, 3, 4}.
Orange is very similar to yellow, in that people are usually scared that using this color in their home will make it too bright and happy. But orange can definitely create moody vibes in a room if the right shade is chosen and it is styled correctly. In this room on Warisan Lighting, a deep, almost burnt orange was used to bring a new feel to the sitting area, along with some lighting that was carefully placed as not to make the orange appear too bright. When paired with the dark orange and brown pillows on the couch, this room embodies the meaning of the word mood.
3. A Selection of Browns
In particular, colors give a room a deep mood feel. These moody rooms remind you of rainy days and dusty books. They’re perfect for curling up with a cup of tea and a cozy blanket.
So let’s explore these 10 mood paint colors that will bring the desired feeling into any space you choose and you’ll forgo plain white forever.
4. A Range of Reds
You’re probably thinking “What? Red isn’t moody at all!” I beg to differ. Steer clear of bright lipstick reds and you can indeed find dark and dusty tones that will make your space feel moody and nostalgic.
Purple is another color that can invoke a full range of emotions depending on the shade you choose. With a lighter shade, purple can bring happiness and joy into a room, and a dark, or amethyst shade will be perfect for invoking that moody vibe you desire. For an idea of what mood amethyst can bring to a room, look at this picture on Shelterness. Although amethyst was used in the living room in this example, it really is quite versatile and can be used to change the feel of a bedroom or even a bathroom.
5. Quiet Grays
The post 10 Best Paint Colors to Get You Those Moody Vibes appeared first on Homedit.
Red is an exciting and stimulating color so you do need to be careful of where you use it. An office would be a nice space to encourage your creativity or an entryway that will surprise and please guests as they arrive. But think in shades of ox blood and marsala and you’ll have a hit.
Gray is probably the quietest color. It isn’t black or white. It’s just beautiful neutral gray. When moody tones are concerned, you can’t go wrong with a deep dark shade. Suddenly, the quietest color will demand some attention! It promises to give you all the rainy day feels even when the sun is shining, as well as matching the other moody tones in your house. You can put it in any room and it will heighten its beauty. Yes, I dare to say that gray is the perfect color. {Image sources:1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
6. Sophisticated and Thoughtful Black
Blue is definitely one of the most popular paint colors for any room. The color is proven to promote rest and relaxation, no matter what shade it’s in. So when you’re using blue to create a moody toned space, you want to choose a shade that’s dark and deep or light and dusty. These will feel even more nostalgic when painted in rooms facing north or west that don’t get much light. Moody blues are best in offices or bedrooms, especially for their ability to reduce stress. You can also put it in the bathroom if you’re prone to long relaxing baths. {Image sources:1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
Thinking of brown brings to mind moody things which makes it the perfect shade to paint with when you’re trying to achieve a moody feel. But before we go further, I want to clarify that I’m talking about dusty tones and chocolates. Not beige. Never beige.
You heard me. Black rooms are so good in so many ways. They bring moody to a level of sophistication that only a black room can achieve. Black matches every other color you can think of. Just the fact that it’s the opposite of white will make your space pop more than anyone else’s white painted room. Think of the cozy reading nook or the little office or the chic kitchen that black will transform into a moody paradise. You’ll never know until you try. {Image sources:1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
When you want that dark moody vibe, but aren’t ready to commit to a dark blue, brown, or black, consider using turquoise paint instead. Turquoise is a deep and rich color that has long been associated with strong emotions in many cultures around the world. Check out this living room on Apartment Therapy, where Turquoise walls were used to add meaning to the room, paired with a simple multi-colored piece of art and an all white couch.
7. Mellow Yellows
Being a cool color, green is also a nice choice when you’re searching for those moody shades. Shades of green advocate growth and harmony which makes it the perfect color for spaces like living rooms. To keep things moody, stay away from the bright emerald tones and lean towards those deep shades that remind you of jungle leaves. You’ll find that by taking a chance on the darker greens, they’ll actually match more decor than you expect. {Image sources:1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
Yellow is often associated with a bright and happy color, but if you pick out the right shade, it can definitely come with a moody vibe. Rather than going for light yellow that reminds you of the sun on a summer’s day, pick one that is deep and full. Just be careful that you don’t go too mustard either, as this could quickly make your room look dated instead of moody. One of our favorite aspects of using yellow as a mood color is that it can bring out the best parts of almost any style of décor. Take a look at this example in SG Style Blog.
8. Passionate Amethyst Purple
9. Testy Turquoise
10. Invigorating Dark Orange
For a good long while now, white has been pushing its way into every nook and cranny of our homes. White walls, white linens, white cabinets, white floors, white and clean and bright everywhere. But recently we’ve been seeing some colors pushing back.