DIY Concrete Succulent Planter With Tiny Wooden Legs and Lace Trim
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Isn’t this little succulent planter just adorable? It looks like a miniature table with cute stubby legs and it’s made of concrete and wood. What’s cool about it is that it’s a DIY succulent planter that you can make from scratch. Also, you can customize it in lots of different ways and give it whatever…
The post DIY Concrete Succulent Planter With Tiny Wooden Legs and Lace Trim appeared first on Homedit.
Materials needed for this concrete succulent planter:
- concrete mix
- water
- bowl
- spoon
- rule
- black marker
- pencil
- handsaw
- square wooden dowel
- paint brush
- green acrylic paint
- box cutter/ x-acto knife
- scissors
- tape
- box
How to make the succulent planter:
Step 1: Measure the mark an outline on the box
Let the paint dry and then take some lace ribbon and add a trim around the planter. Use your hot glue gun to attach the lace and to make sure it stays in place.
Take the painted legs and position one in each of the four corners of the cardboard box mould you’ve prepared earlier. Use a black sharpie to make an outline around them.
Following the outlines, cut out four little squares in the corners of the mould. You should use an x-acto knife for this since it’s precise and easy to use. A box cutter would also work just fine.
Step 2: Cut along the line
Step 3: Cut out four dowel pieces
Trace a straight line on one side of the box marking where you want to make the cut and then flip the box over and do the same thing on all four sides. Make sure your marks line up.
Take a disposable plastic cup and push into the concrete in the middle of the mould. This will create a hole when the concrete dries out where you can plant your little succulents.Fill the cup with some rocks or something heavy so it stays in place.
Now that you’ve made these little square holes in the mold, take the four little dowel legs and push them through these holes. Don’t push them all the way through. Just make sure they’re level when all have been inserted.
Step 4: Make the cuts
Step 5: Paint the tiny dowel legs
Mix the concrete with the water in a bowl using a spoon until you get a smooth paste. Both the bowl and the spoon should be disposable so don’tuse any that you’re going to miss because you’ll have to throw them out when you’re done with this project.
Step 6: Draw an outline of the legs in the four corners on the box
Step 7: Cut out four little squares in the corners of the box
You can pretty much use any kind of tape for this. The idea is to reinforce the box so it retains its shape when you pour the concrete in it. That way the concrete succulent planter will have nice and straight edges.
Step 8: Push the legs through the holes
The final step is to paint the top portion of the planter. There’s no need to paint the middle since you’ll be filling it with soil and succulents anyway. Once this is done, let the paint dry for a bit and then you can go ahead and add the little plants.
You should have a square wooden dowel ready to go for this project. Take it and use the ruler and a pencil to mark the point where you want to cut it in order to make four little legs for your succulent planter.
Step 9: Put tape around the box
Wait for the concrete to dry, preferably overnight. Then go ahead and remove the mould. You can cut it and peel it off fairly easily.
You’ll need to use your handsaw for this part. Make cuts along the pencil lines that you’ve made earlier. Don’t feel like you need to divide the dowel into four pieces just so you use all of it. It’s ok to have some leftovers. Perhaps you can use that for a different project.
Step 10: Mix the concrete
Related: How To Create And Care For Your Stunning Succulent Arrangements
Draw lines on all four sides of the dowel with your pencil so you have a sort of guide when you’re cutting the dowel.
Step 11: Pour the concrete mixture into the mold
Step 12: Insert a plastic cup in the middle of the mould
It’s easy to do this if you just make a mark on one side, then move the ruler and make a second mark and then draw a straight line that goes through both of them.
Step 13: Remove the mould
Isn’t this little succulent planter just adorable? It looks like a miniature table with cute stubby legs and it’s made of concrete and wood. What’s cool about it is that it’s a DIY succulent planter that you can make from scratch. Also, you can customize it in lots of different ways and give it whatever shape you want or potentially make it bigger.
Step 14: Paint the planter
You can use any empty cardboard box for this since all you need it for is to make a mold to pour the concrete into. An orange juice box would do just fine and is actually perfect since it has a square-shaped bottom. Use a ruler to measure how tall you want the mold to be and make a mark with a sharpie.
Step 15: Decorate the planter with lace ribbon
Use a pair of scissors, a box cutter or an x-acto knife to cut along the lines you’ve just made. Basically you need to cut off the bottom of the box so you can use it as a mold. Of course, if you already have a small disposable box that has just the right shape and size you can completely skip this part and use that instead.
When you’re happy with the consistency of your concrete mixture, pour it into the mold. Fill the mould almost all the way up and get a nice and flat surface at the top.
Step 16: Paint the top of the planter
Next take your acrylic paint and paint brush and use them to make the little dowel legs look nice and colorful. Paint the four dowel pieces on all sides including one of the ends. The other one can be left exposed since it won’t be visible.
Use a bit more of the acrylic paint to now paint the outside of the concrete succulent planter. You can paint the whole thing or just make a trim around the bottom.