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How to Declutter a Closet Effectively and Efficiently to Improve Your Mental Health

Messy closet? Messy brain? If you feel stuck and depressed for no reason, you might need to think about decluttering your life. Sometimes, this type of thing is best tackled with something tangible, like with a closet. Not only does the mental process of removing the old, considering the important, and restocking the useful prove…
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As you remove everything from your closet, place like objects with like. Keep a space for recycling (if you do that in your area), trash, and donating. Everything else should be grouped together.
You’ll be amazed at how much space you actually have after decluttering. As the primary “public” closet in our home, this closet gets decluttered more than most, but it still works its way toward chaos over time. And every time I declutter, I’m amazed at how much space there actually is. I mean, empty shelf space? It’s downright luxurious.
Swim and snorkel gear goes on the top shelf next to the shoeboxes.
So, for example, whenever we need the swim towels, we likely will need the floaties. We often use the snorkel gear, too, and the swim diapers. Place these all together, which will increase your organizational efficiency ten-fold.
So, for example, whenever we need the swim towels, we likely will need the floaties. We often use the snorkel gear, too, and the swim diapers. Place these all together, which will increase your organizational efficiency ten-fold.
This closet in particular needs no explanation as to why it’s a prime example for an article on decluttering. For your reference, it’s a small hall closet off the front door of our home.
The primary rule of thumb for decluttering is to make sure, as you restock your items, that everything has a valid place. It’s nearly impossible to maintain a decluttered space if things don’t have a home. Hooks for bags and purses, boxes and bins for loose items, shelves for boxes – all of these things will help your decluttering efforts to last longer.
How to Declutter a Closet- One effective strategy for decluttering

And That’s How to Organize a Closet!

After you’ve carefully determined the purpose of your closet to be decluttered, it’s time to take action. Remove every item from the closet. Every single one, even if it’s a pain. Because you may be surprised at what you find, even if you think you know exactly what’s in there.
For example, there are piles for things to be taken to other parts of the house (don’t take them just yet; focus only on emptying the closet; this will help with efficiency), piles for collections of stuff (e.g., shoeboxes), piles of off-season stuff, piles of things that will need to go back in the closet, etc. Don’t be afraid of making ten (or more!) piles here.
Next, consider the items that need to go back into the close that are least used. These will go up higher or back farther than other, regularly used items, so they need to go in first. Consolidate these items as appropriate and as possible.
How to Declutter a Closet- totally cleaned out closet
For example, this shoebox collection (which many of you might choose to simply throw into the recycle box altogether, which I respect, but which must stay in our closet for gift wrapping, child-desired organization, and school projects) was consolidated, stacking smaller boxes inside larger ones in order to take up less space.


What can I use for a small closet organizer?


How much does it cost for closet organization?

Sometimes, this type of thing is best tackled with something tangible, like with a closet. Not only does the mental process of removing the old, considering the important, and restocking the useful prove effective in the physical space we inhabit, it can also be a very helpful exercise that extends to the other areas of our lives. So here’s a brief tutorial on how to declutter a closet.

How do I maximize my closet space?

The first step in decluttering is to carefully consider the real purpose of the space you are decluttering. In this instance, the closet is meant to provide easy access to outdoor equipment and/or activities, store some crafting/school project materials, and hold regularly needed grab-and-go bags, such as a bag for church, a purse, and a laptop bag.
The post How to Declutter a Closet Effectively and Efficiently to Improve Your Mental Health appeared first on Homedit.

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