30 Modern Bedroom Design Ideas For a Contemporary Style
The world is not lacking modern bedroom design ideas but finding the right one for your home can often prove to be a challenge. This style can take many forms and it’s one of the most versatile and flexible but while this is an advantage, it’s also the reason why modern interior designs can differ…
The post 30 Modern Bedroom Design Ideas For a Contemporary Style appeared first on Homedit.
We’ve already established that ideally a bedroom should look very clean and simple. In order for that to happen the room needs a good storage system so you can keep everything out of the way, out of sight and out of mind yet easily accessible. There are numerous different storage solutions that are both very clever and very practical. In a small bedroom consider using the space underneath the bed, behind the door or under the ceiling. If there’s room for it, have a storage bench at the foot of the bed for extra blankets, pillows and such. It will make the room feel really cozy. Also, a nice trick for making the room seem spacious and airy is to match the color of the furniture to that of the wall behind it.
Bedroom decoration tips to start
Pick the right colors
Huelsta is a Germany manufacturer which makes great furniture for bedrooms and has awesome ideas for bedroom layouts. Some lines include bold and colorful furniture what creates unlimited amount ideas for bedroom design.
Don’t clutter the room
Texture is very important in the design and décor of a bedroom, especially a modern one with a very simple aesthetic. There are numerous ways in which you can introduce soft and pleasant texture into the room such as through an area rug, window curtains, accent pillows and of course the bedding. Make sure to distribute these textures nice and evenly throughout the room so the whole space looks cozy and feels comfortable and inviting.
Leave room to move around with ease
Bedrooms, regardless of style, are meant to be spaces where we can retreat and feel comfortable. They’re meant to be soothing, calming and relaxing and color is very important in order to achieve that. Neutrals like beige, ivory, light grey and white as well as soft pastels, light blues, lavender and green can all look wonderful in a modern bedroom. To these, you can also add a few other vibrant and bold touches in the form of various decorations and accent details. However, rather than going crazy with the colors, it’s better to focus on textures instead.
Be smart with storage
The world is not lacking modern bedroom design ideas but finding the right one for your home can often prove to be a challenge. This style can take many forms and it’s one of the most versatile and flexible but while this is an advantage, it’s also the reason why modern interior designs can differ greatly from one home to another. Still, there a few major lines every decor has to follow, minimalism being one of them.
Play with textures
The ceiling of a bedroom is more important than in any other room. That’s because the centerpiece of this space is the bed. As you lie down and relax, you get a perfect view of the ceiling so it would be a shame to waste this opportunity and to go with a plain and boring look for it. You can use wallpaper to give your bedroom ceiling a nice look and you can also rely on things like moldings and faux ceiling designs to help it stand out. You can also draw more attention to the ceiling through details like a tall headboard, a canopy bed frame and various wall decorations.
Keep an eye on the ceiling
Too much furniture and too many little details and decorations can make a bedroom look cluttered. Rather than giving it a cozy and welcoming look they can have the opposite effect. With that in mind, avoid creating a busy décor. Keep the room simple and clean and don;t go overboard with lots of glamorous and opulent decorations. A modern bedroom can be simple and still look very sophisticated.
Add a cozy nook
Reducing the amount of electronic devices in the bedroom is also considered good because these can influence the quality of your sleep. Although you might enjoy falling asleep to a movie, your brain won’t really relax with all the noise and the light in the background.
Have multiple light sources
Each room has its characteristics. In the case of the bedroom, it’s very common to have neutral colors. A white décor is usually a calm, serene and relaxing environment and it’s the perfect choice for the bedroom. But it’s also common for contemporary bedrooms to feature bold accent details. Those usually come in the form of artwork or elements such as the headboard, the bedding, the pillows or the light fixtures. But let’s take a look at the following examples to better understand this style.

Platform beds are very popular in contemporary homes. Also, the rest of the furniture is kept simple. Geometrical designs are very appreciated but there are also cases when organic lines and influences are more powerful. One can choose, for example, to include contrasting elements into the décor, such as a wooden headboard with an organic shape or a chandelier made from reclaimed wood.

Incorporate Feng Shui into your design
Having a cozy little nook in the bedroom is wonderful, especially if you like to read or to have a quiet little space to relax, meditate or think. It doesn’t have to be big. You could have something set up in front of the window, like a comfy bench with some pillows, maybe a shelf as well. One of the corners of the bedroom could also work. You could put a comfortable armchair, a lamp and a little table there to create a cozy little sanctuary.
What can also make a bedroom feel less than inviting and relaxing is having things in the way like furniture pieces that obstruct movement and force you to twist and turn just to reach the bed. If possible, leave enough space around the bed to easily move around. Also, avoid big and bulky furniture and be smart with the way you’re placing the furniture in the room.
If you want to incorporate some Feng Shui principles into the design of your bedroom, it’s actually quite easy to do so. One of the things you can do is pay attention to the placement of the bed. Position in a way so you’re facing the door but you’re not in direct line with it when sitting in bed. Also, avoid placing the bed under a sloped ceiling or against a wall that’s adjacent to a bathroom. This will just make you feel a lot more relaxed when sitting in bed.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t clutter the area underneath your bed. Sure, hiding all the mess under there is easy but that doesn’t feel right and you’ll feel a lot better sleeping in a bed that’s nice and clean underneath.
The post 30 Modern Bedroom Design Ideas For a Contemporary Style appeared first on Homedit.

This may sound like you’re overcomplicating the design but having several separate sources of light in the bedroom is really great for setting the right mood. You could have a bright ceiling light and a table lamp or two so you can have more flexibility. Also, don’t underestimate the natural light. Make sure you can open up the window and move the curtains out of the way so you can enjoy a beautiful sunny day.

The basic principle of Feng Shui is to create balance with the natural world is there was ever a room that was perfect for this it’s definitely the bedroom. That’s because this is where we go to relax at the end of the day, where we recharge our batteries.
You should also regularly take the time to detox your bedroom. Open up the windows to let in the fresh air and then uplift the room with a pleasant scent like citrus for example. Diffuse oil to create a nice ambiance in the room.