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Best Plants in Front of House




If you want to add a splash of color to your front yard, consider adding a sunflower. This bright and beautiful plant grows well in full sun and can grow up to ten feet. The sun-loving sunflower grows well in USDA Hardiness Zones four through eight. It has large leaves and blooms, so it makes a great plant for the front of a house. Sunflowers can also be grown on a structure to create vertical landscaping.


Dogwoods are great for landscaping in front of the house, but they can also be used in mixed beds or borders. They also make great backdrops for spring-flowering shrubs. Dogwood trees are native to North America and can grow up to 40 feet tall. Some varieties have fruit, but the berries are poisonous and can be harmful to birds or people. Therefore, it is important to identify the species before planting it.

Dogwoods are deciduous trees and shrubs, and they need full sun to thrive. They may grow as tall as 20 feet, but they are often planted closer to the ground for best results. These shrubs make excellent foundation plants, and they are highly fragrant and attractive to pollinators.

Dogwood trees and shrubs do best in partial shade, but some varieties prefer full shade. This depends on your climate and soil type. Dogwoods are thirsty plants, and full sun will require more water. Soil should be well-drained and rich in humus.


Clematis have been cultivated since the 16th century and now have more than 2,500 varieties. They are best grown in sunny areas, though the pale varieties will tolerate partial shade. They prefer well-drained soil enriched with compost. Potted plants should receive shade when not in bloom, and you can also plant them in shallow pots to moderate the soil temperature.

Clematis are hardy and can survive zone 3 winters. Their blooms are up to nine inches wide and are stunning. Their compact growth habit means they are easy to grow and prune. They are best pruned every spring to 8-12 inches above the ground.

Clematis vines can be pruned to promote branching and flowering. However, make sure not to reduce the overall size of the plant. The old wood will be needed for next year’s first flush of flowers. Pruning should be done gradually over a period of two to three years.

While clematis is hardy, they can be susceptible to wilt disease. It can affect the entire plant or only a few stems. If you notice the disease in a stem, remove it as soon as possible. This will prevent the disease from spreading to the rest of the plant. Once the disease has occurred, new clematis will often die. In addition, the plant will not tolerate soil that is too dry. It also needs full sunlight – about six hours a day.


Azaleas add a welcome show of color in spring landscapes. These shrubs have specific needs, but they are also incredibly hardy and can grace your garden beds for years. They are particularly popular in the southern U.S. Because of their diverse needs, you should plan ahead and select the azaleas you’d like to plant at different times of the year. For example, you can plant a red azalea during spring, followed by another variety in the fall.

Azaleas require the right lighting for best growth. Too much or too little light will result in the shrubs dying off or becoming flowerless. Plan your planting in an area that gets morning sunlight and afternoon shade. They need at least six hours of sunlight per day, but they can tolerate some afternoon shade if they’re kept well-watered. In addition, azaleas prefer soil that is acidic between 4.5 and 6.0.

Azaleas are not as susceptible to many diseases as other trees. However, they are susceptible to leaf miners and lace bugs. While these insects are rarely serious, they can cause significant damage to the plant. As a result, you should space your azaleas at least two feet apart.


If you’re looking for a plant that looks great in front of your house, rhododendrons are the perfect choice. They grow to a large height and have a diverse color range. They’re also great for containers and woodsy walkways.

Rhododendrons are perennials that grow well in either spring or fall. They’re best planted in partial shade, which helps them to grow. Rhododendrons thrive in filtered shade and should not be planted in full sun, as a deep shade will result in little or no flowers. In fact, rhododendrons need some light to set flower buds, so they’re best placed where there is adequate light. If the sun is too harsh, the leaves may burn or yellow.

Rhododendrons don’t require a lot of maintenance, and they’re fuss-free. However, they do require regular watering and pruning. They’re best planted in soil that is slightly acidic or moist and well-draining. But they need consistent watering during the first growing season. During dry periods, supplemental irrigation may be needed.

Rhododendron ‘Dora Amateis’ blooms with masses of white flowers in the spring. It’s easy to grow, too, and it prefers moist soil. It also thrives in zones 5 to 8 and can tolerate part shade.


Hostas are perennials that are often planted on slopes. They have fibrous roots that hold soil when it rains. They also add vertical interest. They are easy to grow and maintain. They make excellent front-yard plants and can be used in window boxes. In addition, they grow well in containers.

A hosta’s foliage is often the main attraction. Some varieties have glossy, dark green leaves with a curved bowl shape. They are also susceptible to slugs, so it is advisable to scatter sand around them. Another variety, ‘Touch of Class’, is a mutation of ‘June’. It has thick leaves that are surrounded by a wide blue border. The flowers, which look like trumpets, are light purple.

Hostas are easy to grow and maintain. Despite the easy care, some mistakes are common among hosta owners. Several of these mistakes are preventable. One mistake is not removing slugs immediately. Slugs and snails like to feast on thick-leaved hostas. However, these critters do not cause too much damage if you take simple precautions.

Hostas come in many different colors. While the three major colors are red, purple, and white, there are thousands of variations of hostas available. When planting a row of hostas near each other, make sure that they complement each other. One hosta that is solid colored is a perfect contrast with a variegated hosta.

Coral bells

Coral bells belong to the genus Heuchera, and they are native to North America. They grow on arid, gravelly soils and form low mounds. The foliage is heart-shaped and rounded. Their flower spikes range in height from one to three feet.

Coral bells are drought-resistant plants, so they only need an inch or so of water a week. However, they may need more water during the growing season and early summer. To care for your plants, you should provide them with good drainage and humus-rich soil. Keep in mind, however, that soggy soil can cause crown rot.

Coral bells are perennial plants, and they are evergreen. They are great choices for shady locations. Their leaves come in a variety of colors, including silvery, purple-black, chartreuse, salmon, and rust-orange. Their showy flowers are also an attractive feature.

Coral bells grow in clumps, and you can divide them every three or four years if you have to. Coral bells do well with a little pruning. After blooming, remove the flower stalks and prune the foliage. This will encourage more blooms. They are disease and deer-resistant. Although they grow well in most climates, they can be vulnerable to soil heave, so you should consider mulching your plants to prevent the heave.


If you want a beautiful plant in front of your house but are limited by space, you can also try growing boxwood from seed. This shrub is relatively easy to grow and will look beautiful for many years. However, you should be aware that it does produce a rather unpleasant odor. If you’re sensitive to the smell, you might want to seek out milder varieties from a local nursery.

There are many varieties of boxwood, and it can be paired with other plants in your yard. Summersweet, for example, has flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Boxwood grows in a shaded area, so you should choose a variety that doesn’t need much sunlight. Other boxwood companions include Little Princess Spirea, which is typically three feet or less in height and can be pruned to encourage more blooms. Hydrangeas are also classic companions, and they are easy to care for.

Another option is rosemary, which grows in many colors and varieties. These herbs are used for cooking and can thrive in mild climates. They also enhance the immune system and help lower infection rates.

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