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How to Build Flower Boxes




Flower boxes are decorative outdoor containers, used to display live plants or flowers. They are also useful for growing herbs and edible plants. In this article, we’ll look at how to build flower boxes, including choosing materials, sizes, and colors. This way, you’ll have an easy time incorporating them into your outdoor decor.

Building a flower box

Before you begin building a flower box, it is important to determine the size of the space you are working with. In most cases, a box that is eight inches deep and ten inches wide is the proper size. However, you may need to make adjustments to the size of your planter box to accommodate the size of your plants. If space is tight, you can cut two 6-foot long boards in half and use one as the bottom and the other as the sides of the box.

After you have measured and cut the appropriate size for the flower box, you can begin to assemble it. First, cut the 1×4 slats to fit the flower box. Then, align the slats with the twox2 corner posts. Then, screw these slats into place, using 2×4 screws.

Wooden boards are an ideal material for building flower boxes. They are inexpensive and often available at a DIY store. If you do not want to use pressure-treated wood, you can use cedar fence slats. Cedar wood is known to be resistant to mould and moisture.


Flower boxes are often made of wood, plastic or metal. They can vary in size, from small planters to barrels. Some are made with lids and are therefore suitable for use outside, while others are designed to be used inside the house. It is important to choose the right material for the box, as the weight of the plants and soil can damage walls and windowsills. If the flower box is made of wood, take care to protect it from rot.

You can choose from matte, gloss, or varnish finish materials for flower packaging. These materials will make the packaging last longer and will look elegant and classy. Matte is a good choice if you want your product to be a bit more discreet. It will still be durable and hold up to moisture while giving it a luxurious look.

Another important consideration is the size of the box. If it is too long or too short, you may end up with an over-filled flower box. Ideally, a flower box should be about 50 to 80 cm long, but if you have a smaller balcony, you should consider making two longer boxes rather than four short ones. In addition, you should consider the width of your balcony and choose a plant that is suitable for the area.


Flower boxes are a great way to add colour and design to your home. They are also useful as container gardens, displaying vibrant blooms and verdant greens. However, you must choose the right size flower boxes for your windows. Generally, smaller flower boxes should fit smaller windows, while larger ones should fit larger windows.

Flower planter boxes come in many different shapes and sizes. You can select the one that is most appropriate for your needs, and also pick one that complements the rest of your decor. These containers come in various sizes and materials and are available in a range of colors. You may want to choose a box with a lid or one with a small opening.


When it comes to colors for flower boxes, vibrant colors are always the best choice. Petunias, for example, look especially striking against light-colored walls and window frames. If you’re looking for a more elegant look, consider choosing a pale shade of petunia. This will avoid clashing with your house’s darker accents. Regardless of your color preferences, it’s important to choose a plant that prefers an even amount of moisture.

Red, orange, and yellow are considered warm colors, while blue and green are considered cool colors. These colors can be used to create a relaxing effect, making them a great choice for your flower boxes. In addition to being beautiful, flower boxes in these colors can add a decorative accent to your home.

Deeper colors can also be used to create an edgier look. For a more dramatic look, you can choose a triadic color scheme, which involves three complementary colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel. However, you should remember that if you use too many colors, you may end up with a palette that is too overwhelming.

Plants to plant

There are many different varieties of plants that will thrive in flower boxes. Petunias, for example, have a reputation for producing vibrant blooms even during the hottest days of summer. They are available in many different colors and come in bushy and cascading varieties. The Queen of Hearts variety can be purchased for just $3.19 per pot at most gardening stores. Another great choice for your flower box is Creeping Jenny, also known as moneywort. These beautiful plants have trailing leaves and colorful blooms.

Impatiens are another shade-tolerant option that grow into a mound of flowers. They are easy to maintain and do not require deadheading. These plants can grow in any window box, and are great for those with limited space. Begonias are also shade-tolerant and are becoming increasingly popular for flower boxes.

Before you start planting your flowers, you should break off the bottom of the root base. This will liberate the roots and make the plants grow faster in their new home. You should also stagger the placement of your plants.


Flower boxes are an easy way to add color to your home year-round. Typically, flower boxes come with a layer of foam that will hold water and keep your flowers fresh. Simply top off the foam with water as needed to keep your flowers looking their best. You can easily top off the flower box every couple of days to prolong the life of your flowers.

Fertilizers should be applied on a weekly or biweekly basis to keep your flowers and plants healthy. You can buy complete liquid fertilizers and mix them into the soil when you plant your plants, or buy timed-release pellets to mix with the soil when you first plant them. However, be sure that the soil in your box remains moist when applying fertilizer. For best results, fertilizer should be diluted to half strength. You can also trim your plants back in late summer to rejuvenate them. Remember to remove any yellowing foliage as well.

Window boxes are great places for delicate trailing flowers. They offer protection from pests and mud splatters. A favorite of mine is petunia, but you can also try other trailing plants like ivy-leafed pelargoniums, black-eyed susan vine, or tropical red chenille plant. You can also add some trailing foliage plants to add texture.


Flower boxes are a great way to add color to your outdoor space, but they also need to be properly maintained to last. A few tips for keeping them looking great include sprinkling soil around the base of each plant and weed-free mulch. This will prevent weeds and retain moisture.

First, make sure the flower box gets plenty of sunlight. If it’s shady, move it or invest in a sun lamp. Also, make sure you fertilize the flowers and plants. Fertilizing helps them grow bigger, healthier, and more robustly. In addition, flower boxes need to be prepared for winter. You can do this by removing dead plant matter, adding organic compost, and adding a layer of mulch to keep the soil from freezing.

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