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How To Make A Colorful Wall Hanging With Yarn Tassels

Have you ever made yarn tassels? It’s such an easy thing to do and one of the very first DIY crafts a lot of us came into contact with over the years. There’s a lot of projects that you can use yarn tassels for, like for example a beautiful wall hanging or a decoration for…
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DIY yarn tassel how to make 31

how to make yarn tassels

Materials needed for this project:

  • Multi-colored yarn
  • embroidery thread
  • branch
  • cardboard
  • scissors

How to make yarn tassels: step by step guide

Step 1: Prepare all your supplies

DIY yarn tassel how to make 2
Now your tassel decorations are pretty much done and all that’s left to do is hang it. Take some more yarn and tie around one end of the branch, then around the other end and make sure you leave enough yarn in between so you can hang the piece. Make this yarn hanger as long as you want depending on where and how you want to hang the tassels. This is the final step of the project. Enjoy your new wall hanging!

Step 2: Start wrapping some yarn around the piece of cardboard

You should have a rectangular piece of cardboard that measures somewhere around 3” x 2”. Place it vertical in your hand and start wrapping some yarn around it until you’re happy with how full the tassel will end up being once the cardboard will be removed. Then cut off the excess yarn at the bottom.
DIY yarn tassel how to make 7
DIY yarn tassel how to make 15
DIY yarn tassel how to make 45
Once all five yarn tassels are completed, line them up and decide in which order they should be displayed. they should all look similar but since you used multi-colored yarn the appearance differs for each one. Next, take the first tassel, tie a knot at the top of the loop as mentioned earlier on in this tutorial, then use the remaining bits of yarn at the top to tie another knot around the branch. Cut off the excess yarn. Then continue and add the other four tassels in a similar fashion. You can choose to have them all lined up and hanging at the same height or you can mix and match and try some variations. 

Step 3: Add a loop at the top

DIY yarn tassel how to make 43
DIY yarn tassel how to make 25
DIY yarn tassel how to make 29
Related: DIY Macrame Wall Hangings With Retro and Boho Designs
DIY yarn tassel how to make 32
DIY yarn tassel how to make 10
DIY yarn tassel how to make 5

Step 4: Cut the yarn along the bottom

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Step 5: Rightly wrap some embroidery thread around the top of the tassel

The last step when making a yarn tassel is to trim the ends. Place the tassel between your index and middle finger to level out the yarn pieces and then cut the ends so your tassel doesn’t look messy. Now you can also make the tassel shorter if you feel like it’s too long. 
DIY yarn tassel how to make 18
Being organized doesn’t always come naturally so it’s important to take a bit of time at the beginning of the project to gather all of the supplies and to make sure you have everything you’re going to need. This way you won’t have to stop in the middle of a task in order to get more supplies and it will all go smoothly. 
DIY yarn tassel how to make 48
DIY yarn tassel how to make 34
The post How To Make A Colorful Wall Hanging With Yarn Tassels appeared first on Homedit.
Next, cut out a piece of yarn, run in between the yarn and the cardboard and then make a couple of tight knots at the top. Make sure the two ends of the yarn are fairly even because later on you’ll need to make a knot at the top, creating a loop that you can later use to hang the tassel. For now though leave it untied.
You’re going to need five yarn tassels for this project. One is done and there’s four more to go. Now that you know how it’s done it shouldn’t take you as long to complete the other tassels. Repeat the same steps as before and try to make all the tassels look similar. They should be similarly full and long so it would be good t pay attention to how much yarn and thread you’re using for each one. 
DIY yarn tassel how to make 26

Step 6: Trim the ends of the yarn

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DIY yarn tassel how to make 4

Step 7: Make more tassels

Have you ever made yarn tassels? It’s such an easy thing to do and one of the very first DIY crafts a lot of us came into contact with over the years. There’s a lot of projects that you can use yarn tassels for, like for example a beautiful wall hanging or a decoration for your home. Also, they make great cat toys. In this tutorial, we’ll go over the entire process of making yarn tassels from scratch and then integrating them into a simple wall hanging. Let’s get started!
DIY yarn tassel how to make 30
DIY yarn tassel how to make 16
Step 1: Prepare all your supplies
DIY yarn tassel how to make 39
DIY yarn tassel how to make 11
DIY yarn tassel how to make 12
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DIY yarn tassel how to make 17

Step 8: Tie the tassels onto the branch

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DIY yarn tassel how to make 37
DIY yarn tassel how to make 27
DIY yarn tassel how to make 22
DIY yarn tassel how to make 9
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Now you have a bunch of yarn wrapped around a piece of cardboard with a loop at the top. The next thing you need to do is take the scissors and cut along the bottom, basically starting to give the tassel its final shape. Once you cut the yarn you’ll no longer need the cardboard template so you can put it aside. 
DIY yarn tassel how to make 3
DIY yarn tassel how to make 1
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Step 9: Add a hanger

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DIY yarn tassel how to make 6
DIY yarn tassel how to make 33
DIY yarn tassel how to make 13
DIY yarn tassel how to make 21
DIY yarn tassel how to make 50
After you’ve removed the cardboard, keep the yarn tassel in one hand and with the other wrap some embroidery thread around the top, dividing it into two sections. Wrap the thread tightly and use enough to create a visible band around the tassel. Then cut off the excess and tie a couple of knots to make sure the thread doesn’t become loose. 
DIY yarn tassel how to make 42
DIY yarn tassel how to make 8
DIY yarn tassel how to make 47
DIY yarn tassel how to make 19

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