Christmas Lighting Installation Tips
How to Put the Best Christmas Lights on a House

Christmas lights are a favorite part of the holiday season, and many people will travel half way around the world to see some of the best displays in the world. Whether you’re looking for a sophisticated tea light-lined display or an elaborate drive-through LED extravaganza, there are many ways to make your home look beautiful.
They are safer around flammable objects
When you put Christmas lights on a house, it’s important to follow a few simple safety tips. First, don’t use flammable objects near your lights. If you can avoid using flammable objects altogether, your house will be much safer around Christmas lights. Secondly, use only lights that have been approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Look for green or red holographic labels from UL or Intertek. Also, make sure to use extension cords specifically designed for the purpose.
When hanging Christmas lights, be sure to use a properly-sealed container to prevent moisture and rodents from getting into the strands. Additionally, avoid storing them near flammable objects, such as a furnace. Extreme heat can damage your lights, as well as the insulation and light sockets.
Lastly, make sure to turn off your Christmas lights at the end of the evening. Even LED lights can overheat, resulting in a fire. Turning them off before leaving the house or before going to bed is a good habit to get into.
Christmas lights can pose some safety hazards, so make sure to follow all OSHA rules. Always use a properly-listed power socket, and remember that electrical wires should be properly tested for both indoor and outdoor use. Also, always inspect lighting for loose parts, as loose bulbs can be a dangerous hazard. You also need to be aware of ladders. If you are using a ladder, be sure to extend it at least three feet away from the edge of the roof.
In addition to Christmas lights, it is important to make sure that the lights and decorations aren’t too close to flammable objects. The holiday season is a highly flammable time, so being extra cautious can help prevent a fire from spreading. Follow these safety tips and your Christmas season will be safer.
If you have a live Christmas tree, make sure it is well-watered. A dry tree can burn more quickly. You should also check the cords for damage, as they can cause an electrical short. Not only will this cause damage to your holiday decorations, but it can also cause a fire.
When hanging Christmas lights on a house, you should make sure the extension cords you use are grounded and properly insulated. Do not overload them with multiple high-powered lights. Always use extension cords that are labeled “outdoor” to avoid overheating them. You should also be careful not to stretch the cords, as this could cause tripping hazards.
They are more energy-efficient
You can reduce the energy costs associated with Christmas lights on your house by using LEDs. LED lights are seven times more efficient than incandescent lights and use less energy. The average cost of LED lights for a household is $31 for the entire season, or less than $1 per day.
Putting up decorative lights on a house can transform the exterior and front yard of a home, but they also use a lot of energy. According to the US Department of Energy, Christmas lights consume about 6.6 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, enough to power 14 million refrigerators.
While the overall electricity use during the holiday season is high, individual home usage can vary considerably. As a result, it is important to find out how much energy Christmas lights on a house consume before buying them. This figure will depend on the size of the home, the number of lights, and the duration of illumination.
Unlike traditional incandescent bulbs, LED lights are long-lasting. They last up to ten years, whereas incandescent bulbs last for only six months. LEDs can be used in conjunction with strands of lights and do not interfere with each other.
LED lights are more expensive than traditional incandescent Christmas tree lights, but they will last more than 40 more Christmas seasons. They are durable, and will cut down on the amount of energy used on the house. And they can be reused as outdoor lighting. Besides, LED lights are more environmentally-friendly.
LED Christmas lights are becoming increasingly popular. Since they don’t require filament heating, they use less electricity than incandescents. LEDs also don’t cause any heat to the house, making them more energy-efficient. LED lights are also more affordable to buy and operate than incandescent lights.
LED lights use up to 70% less energy than their incandescent counterparts, making them more cost-effective. LED lights also last longer and produce less heat than their incandescent counterparts. Using timers and limiting the hours of illumination will also save energy. And, of course, no one wants to pay a high energy bill at the end of the holiday season.
The type of lights used for Christmas lights affect the amount of energy they use and cost. Most people use a mixture of different types of lights. Mini lights are best for indoor lighting while C9 bulbs are used for exterior lighting. Fortunately, many manufacturers have come out with energy-efficient versions of many popular types of bulbs. You can use energy-efficient light bulbs to reduce your electrical bills while preserving the beauty of the holidays.
LED Christmas lights are also less fire-hazard. Traditional Christmas lights use glass bulbs, which can break easily if someone steps on them. However, LED Christmas lights have plastic cases, which make them less likely to break or cause an electrical hazard.