The SaltBox Tiny House Has A Cozy Interior Paired With A Steel Exterior shell
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All tiny homes are clever, some more than others. They have to be in order to make up for the very limited floor space and it’s always interesting to see how different minds put together deal with this restriction. Today we’re checking out the SaltBox, a tiny house on wheels designed by studio Extraordinary Structures….
The post The SaltBox Tiny House Has A Cozy Interior Paired With A Steel Exterior shell appeared first on Homedit.

The small footprint meant a lot of clever and custom design solutions had to be employed on the interior. But let’s start with the exterior of this rather unusual little house. Its walls are covered in 22 gauge steel siding on the outside which act as a rain screen. As time passes and the house is exposed to the elements, these panels start to rust and to change their appearance. That in turn transforms the entire house and gives it character. The walls are built on a steel exoskeleton and they’re insulated using sheep’s wool and mineral wood. On the inside they’re covered in wood panels which help to create a very warm and inviting ambiance.

All tiny homes are clever, some more than others. They have to be in order to make up for the very limited floor space and it’s always interesting to see how different minds put together deal with this restriction. Today we’re checking out the SaltBox, a tiny house on wheels designed by studio Extraordinary Structures. It was built on a 24 ft trailer which gives it lots of mobility and allows it to be transported to new locations and it has a total interior area of 200 square feet which is a bit over 18 square meters and not a lot by any standards.

They both have built-in storage underneath and a nice view out the window. The kitchen is on the other side of the space and has a small peninsula/ bar, a few basic appliances and a door that leads into the bathroom. Inside the bathroom there’s a cedar soaking tub, not what you’d expect to find inside such a tiny house. Although very compact, this little structure has a lot of interesting design features.

As a general impression, the interior of the SaltBox is all a big multifunctional volume. It includes all the essentials like a kitchen, a bathroom, a living area and a place to sleep. What’s interesting is how all the functions interact with one another. The living and sleeping area for instance are one and the same, featuring a fold-down sofa on one wall and a fold-down bed on the opposite one.