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Wall Texture Types For Your Next Drywall Project

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With many wall texture types available, finding one that’s perfect for your living space can be a challenge. Choosing a type of wall texture is a commitment. Most people will begin by searching online for “drywall texture companies near me,” which is a good place to start. However, if you want to go deeper, and…




There’s no reason you should texture drywall. Texture is for when you want your wall to have a classic look or perhaps a contemporary look. It’s also done to cover flaws, not to make the paint work better as it offers long-lasting protection.
When adding texture, all you have to do is paint your walls with mud or primer by creating swirls in your desired pattern. 
Mix the sand with a primer or thin mud. Spray sand ceiling texture on your wall lightly. It works just like popcorn ceiling but it’s safer, thinner, and rarely cracks. There are various types of sand colors that you can create should you want something different.
The plus side is how popcorn is easy to apply work with unlike different textures and doesn’t require special skills. All you do is mix the wall texture with water and spray it on your ceiling with an air compressor.
Use the knockdown pattern already discussed. Then, go over the wet compound and drywall mud with a slapping technique with a knockdown trowel.

What Are The Different Wall Texture Types?

Choosing a type of wall texture is a commitment. Most people will begin by searching online for “drywall texture companies near me,” which is a good place to start. However, if you want to go deeper, and depending on the type of wall you’re working with, you’ll need the right information. 

Popcorn Textured Walls

Yes, you should prime your walls before you texture them with a latex drywall primer. You’ll also need to make sure that you don’t use undercoater as the walls will have too much of a sheen. This would ruin the classic look that you want your end result to achieve. 
The drywall compound is sprayed on the wall in a few steps and doesn’t require more than two tools. It doesn’t have rough particles of vermiculite or polystyrene and runs smooth on the surface. Many homeowners prefer this look to popcorn. 
With the application process, you can dip your slap brush in the mud and apply it to the walls, or you can apply mud to the walls and then slap it with the brush and gently press. Both are used often and allow you to choose the thickness of the texture. You can apply different paints later for an elegant finish.

How To Apply Popcorn Ceiling Wall Textures

A sand texture coating is applied with a spray method that uses sand and primer together. You can create light and dark tones with this texture. Apply it in a circular motion as it’s simple. It also provides great texture and has a versatile color palette. It doesn’t crack or separate like other textures.

Orange Peel Wall Texture

Whatever texture type you choose and whether it’s for your living room, wall or ceiling, make sure you’re working with the right consistency. With wall texturing, you want to make the perfect choice. With how fast modern trends change today, you never know what the next popular wall texture will be. 
With many wall texture types available, finding one that’s perfect for your living space can be a challenge.
The texture is applied with a thick bristle brush and using a brush technique so the lines run deeper, which means the grooves are more noticeable.

Orange Peel Technique

Working with drywall mud and textured walls will increase your DIY drywall texture techniques. With the different types of wall textures, wall texturing offers a wide playground where you can experiment. When applying wet mud to a wall, double-check and make sure that you can use a compressor and spray gun. 

Venetian Wall Textures

Rosebud wall texture
Drywall is the most popular pattern of wall texture and ceiling in US living rooms and other spaces. Wall texture is a great when you want to accent walls at home. Texture is also added to blank walls in dining rooms, living rooms, and study rooms. When it’s time to replace your old drywall, you want to be equipped with enough information so that you know what your options are.

How To Apply Venetian Wall Texture

Orange peel wall texture heavy medium and fina
Sand Swirl
The rosebud texture looks similar to the slap brush texture is more controlled. It is named after the rosebud and has floral patterns when it’s finished.

Knockdown Wall Textures

The slap brush knockdown style is common in households. You can add a paint color to augment its style.  It follows the same technique the knockdown method. Similar to the knockdown pattern, it can be customized to your preference for a polished look.
Knocdown slapbrush

How To Apply Knockdown Wall Texture

This technique requires a lot of drywall compound mud. There are two ways to do this and both work well depending on your preference. For an orderly ceiling texture, you could apply a stomp knockdown technique on an entire wall for a polished look.  

Slap Brush Knockdown Wall Textures

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Popcorn ceilings were popular in the 60s and 70s. The wall texture was a popular style until it was discovered that it contained asbestos. However, it is no longer made with asbestos, so it’s safe.

How to Apply Slap Brush Wall Texture

Venetian plaster is a wall texture type and an ancient style that uses lime dust or marble dust with a classic stucco finish. The end result is a wall that looks like it’s made of marble. It’s the only drywall that has ever had its own group as the Venetian wall texturing artists made it famous first.
If you still are having trouble finding the difference between plaster and drywall, then check this drywall vs plaster guide out. 

Slap Brush-Knockdown Wall Textures

You can use drywall mud for this one. Apply it to the wall with a flat trowel and then with a grooved trowel make a combed or ridged texture look. Arches are the chosen pattern for this technique but you can get creative. Depending on your skill level, this could be a fun DIY project.
Applying Venetian plaster isn’t hard. You can use a trowel to apply a thin layer with straight lines. After, let it dry and apply another coat using the trowel in the opposite direction, creating an x-shaped pattern.

How To Apply Slap Brush-Knockdown Wall Texture

While the technique creates different patterns on wall surfaces, it is used to create arch patterns stacked on top of each other. With this pattern, each line is alternated to create repeating patterns. This is known as the classic “comb texture” on drywall.

Sand Textured Wall 

It depends on what you want. If you’re feeling bold and independent, try a rosebud technique. Maybe you want something simple and DIY, then go for a sand texture.
When drywall experts say “lace” they mean knockdown. However, there is another technique involving the application of very thin layers of mud on your wall surface and creating unique patterns with thin pointed tools.

How To Apply Sand Wall Texture

If you’re hiring a professional then it doesn’t matter what texture you choose. You can even come up with a new idea and they may be able to run with it. It never hurts to ask, so go bold and find your perfect wall texture.
Wall surfaces can be challenging if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you decide on a comb wall, for example, you’ll need the right brush to make sure you do it right. When texture is applied to a wall, it creates a new dimension to your space. 

Sand Swirl

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Cracking is a common problem with thicker drywall types. If this is a concern, you can’t go wrong with a sand-based texture. 

How To Apply Sand Swirl Drywall Texture

What it comes down to is the type of texture you want to apply to a piece of drywall. Although popcorn texture is an excellent choice, and one of the most popular types, it’s not your only choice. Santa Fe drywall would be a great choice, for example. 

Comb Wall Texture

The slap brush style is common amateurs because it’s good at hiding mistakes.
To apply rosebud wall texture, apply the same methods as the slap brush texture. Only this time, instead of overlapping layers and applying the compound mud, you do the opposite.
All you do is create a water and texture powder mix and spray it on your walls or ceilings with a hopper. Then, you lightly “knock it down” with a knockdown tool. A knockdown knife is like a squeegee. You run it over the surface to knock down paint or mud or other wall imperfections.

How To Apply Comb Drywall Texture

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Popcorn ceiling closeup

Rosebud Wall Texturing

The post Wall Texture Types For Your Next Drywall Project appeared first on Homedit.
The average cost of tape and mud drywall is between .35 to .10 per square foot. This price does not include sanding or the final finish to prime the surface for paint. Taping and mudding drywall joints for a standard 12 foot by 12-foot bedroom will cost between 0 to 0.

How To Apply Rosebud Textured Walls

When repairing textured drywall cracks, use plaster of paris to cover the cracks and fill in small holes. Make sure the plaster I s applied evenly. After you’re done, smooth the surface with a putty knife. To repair a one-inch hole, use a fiberglass patch that’s a little bigger so it covers the hole, and then stick the adhesive on the wall.

Lace Textured Walls

You need to wait 24 hours. When you open windows or use a box fan, it will speed up the drying process. After the mud is dry, prime and paint the surface would new drywall.
The sand swirl technique can use different materials, but the sand primer mix is your safest bet. Use it for the sand swirl technique, one of the most beautiful techniques you can use on drywall. 

How To Apply Lace Drywall Texture

Artexing Fan Shell Combination Wall Texture Pattern

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)FAQ

Which Of The Wall Texture Types Is Right For Me?

Orange peel texture is sprayed on a wall surface but doesn’t have rough particles of vermiculite or polystyrene. Many homeowners prefer it over popcorn. With this wall texture, you want a splattered pattern that isn’t brushed and flattened.
Wall texture offers dramatic effect for your living room and dining room, for example. With so many different types of texture, you’ll want to explore your options. As you may know, texture also adds value to your home and can be applied to exterior walls.

How Do You Repair Textured Drywall Cracks?

There are also a few lace textures just as nice. For example, Spanish lace, which is popular in Europe.

Do You Paint Drywall Before Texturing?

Drywall comb texture involves creating lines on a wall surface. As a visual, and as the term implies, imagine a pattern that’s made when you run a comb through your hair. However, with this texture, lines overlap and swirl, thus creating a comb-like texture.

How Long Do I Wait For Wall Texture To Dry?

Look at it like this, a wall is a canvas. Once you wrap your mind around that idea, everything else will be easy. Expand your color palette and let your creative juices flow. 

How Much Does It Cost To Tape And Texture Drywall?

Knockdown wall texture

Do You Need To Prime Drywall Before Texture?

After the first coat dries, you’ll begin to notice a subtle accent. Next, use sandpaper in at a slight angle and circular motion to create a marble effect. When applied right, it the texture will dominate an entire room.

Wall Texture Conclusion

The knockdown technique is common among drywall professionals. It’s simple and only requires a knockdown knife. 
To get a new popcorn texture ceiling, buy popcorn spray. You mix it with water and spray it on. If you have old popcorn you should remove it. There’s a good chance it contains asbestos. New popcorn texture sprays don’t have asbestos, but it never hurts to ask before purchasing. 
Orange peel drywall looks like an orange peel. The tiny particles make it appear bumpy, but yet it’s smooth in texture and common among those who liked popcorn ceilings. Orange peel is applied the same way as popcorn to dining rooms.
Wall Texture Types
Lace is a highly contemporary wall texture. And similar to lace, not everyone can create a delicate pattern. If a dramatic effect is what you want, lace drywall would be a great choice. Unlike other drywall options, this one requires a professional. 

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