A Beautiful House In South Korea With A Meditation Room And A Zen Bathroom
After a long period of planning and talking with their clients about their vision for this new house, studio JNDA completed one of the most wonderful and well-thought projects we’ve had the pleasure of looking at lately. It’s a residence situated in Yongin-Si, in South Korea with a really great location that gives it a…
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The post A Beautiful House In South Korea With A Meditation Room And A Zen Bathroom appeared first on Homedit.

These gradual changes give a clear image of what each floor is intended for. The vertical organization allows these areas to remain separate and creates a clear distinction between them but also means the higher up they are the most impressive and beautiful the views get. It was important for the scenery and the surrounding landscape to have an impact on the interior design and the ambiance. The minimalist decor and the extensive use of natural wood throughout the house help to create an immersive experience and to give the impressive of being in the forest in an abstract way.

After a long period of planning and talking with their clients about their vision for this new house, studio JNDA completed one of the most wonderful and well-thought projects we’ve had the pleasure of looking at lately.

It’s a residence situated in Yongin-Si, in South Korea with a really great location that gives it a direct and unobstructed view of a mountain and the beautiful nearby forest. This gorgeous location was what inspired the owners to want a house that takes advantage of this area and which they can customize according to their own needs.

The house has an interesting internal structure where each of the three floors has a very specific function. The ground floor is where the common areas like the room, dining area, kitchen and reception space for guests are situated. It’s a place where everyone can spend time together as a family or with friends and it has easy access outdoors. The middle floor houses the private areas including all of the bedrooms, a dressing room and a bathroom with a gorgeous view of the forest. The top floor is also a private space but in a different sense. This is an area where the owners can come to relax and meditate, with a terrace, a place to hang a hammock and a large East-facing window that allows them to see the rising sun early in the morning.