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Landscaping Maintenance

Erica Neumann



Maintaining a luscious, vibrant yard can be quite a challenge, especially if you don’t know where to start. Did you know that lawns are three times more productive at producing oxygen than trees? This blog will guide you through the essentials of landscaping maintenance for every season; from lawn care and flower maintenance to hardscaping upkeep.

Ready to transform your outdoor space into a year-round haven? Let’s dig in!

Spring Landscaping Maintenance

A landscaper trimming bushes surrounded by blooming flowers in a garden.

In spring, homeowners should focus on lawn care, trees, shrubs, and groundcover maintenance, garden maintenance, and hardscape maintenance.

Lawn Care

Taking care of your lawn is no small task. Consider these important steps in maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn:

  1. Regularly mowing your lawn helps keep it looking tidy and can enhance its overall health.
  2. Grass should never be cut more than one – third of its height to maintain its lush green color and nutrient content.
  3. Keep in mind, manual push mowing can burn 500 calories per hour, making it a good workout
  4. Remember to water your lawn early in the morning or late at night when there is less evaporation.
  5. A well – watered lawn aids in photosynthesis, which allows grass to produce more oxygen.
  6. Don’t forget the fact that lawns are three times more productive at producing oxygen than trees.
  7. Soil testing improves the fertility of your grass by checking for nutrient deficiencies.
  8. Apply fertilizers carefully based on soil testing results to prevent excess chemicals from leaching into groundwater.
  9. Control weeds through regular weeding sessions; an hour of this activity burns about 300 calories!
  10. Aerate your lawn at least once a year to improve movement of water and nutrients into the soil, promoting healthier roots.

Trees, Shrubs, and Groundcover Maintenance

Keeping your trees, shrubs, and groundcover in top shape requires careful maintenance throughout the year. Maintaining these parts of your landscape not only adds beauty to your outdoor space but also promotes oxygen production.

  1. Pruning is essential for tree health and aesthetics, focusing on removing dead or diseased branches.
  2. Regular trimming of shrubs encourages healthy growth and maintains its shape.
  3. Mulching around trees and shrubs helps retain water and suppresses weeds.
  4. Inspect trees for signs of disease or pest infestation regularly.
  5. Groundcovers need regular weeding, as they can quickly become overrun.
  6. Consider seasonal caring like fertilizing in spring or fall for optimal plant health.
  7. Utilize organic compost to enrich the soil quality around plants and trees.
  8. Ensure proper irrigation systems are in place to provide adequate water supply.
  9. Tree trimming should be done by a professional to avoid damage to the tree or surrounding property.

Garden Maintenance

Garden maintenance is an integral part of landscaping. It enables homeowners to enjoy a vibrant and healthy garden throughout the year, irrespective of the changing seasons. Here’s a detailed checklist for seasonal garden maintenance:

  1. Begin with weed control: Remove weeds from flower beds, mulch beds, and other gardening areas regularly. This keeps your garden free from unwanted plants that can deprive your flowers and shrubs of essential nutrients.
  2. Prioritize plant pruning: Regularly prune trees, shrubs, and bushes to keep them in shape and prevent overgrowth. Timely pruning contributes significantly to the health and longevity of your plants.
  3. Highlight horticulture: Dedicate some time to learning about different types of plants suitable for your region. Understanding the individual care each plant needs will aid you in maintaining a flourishing garden.
  4. Apply mulching techniques: Mulching provides several benefits including moisture retention in soil, weed prevention, temperature regulation, and adding an attractive finish to your garden.
  5. Provide adequate irrigation: Install efficient irrigation systems to ensure every corner of your garden gets enough water supply without wastage or over-watering.
  6. Emphasize on soil erosion prevention: Contouring slopes or installing groundcover can help reduce the risk of soil erosion due to rainwater runoff.
  7. Make edging a priority: Edge flower beds for a clean look that also prevents grass from creeping into your borders.

Hardscape Maintenance

Maintaining your hardscape is an essential part of landscaping. Here are some key tasks to keep in mind:

  • Regularly inspect and clean your hardscape features, such as patios, decks, and walkways.
  • Check for any cracks or damage and repair them promptly to prevent further deterioration.
  • Remove any weeds or grass that may grow between pavers or stones in your hardscape.
  • Sweep or power wash your hardscape surfaces to keep them free from dirt, debris, and stains.
  • Apply a sealer to protect your hardscape materials from weathering and fading.
  • Trim back plants or trees that may encroach on your hardscape to prevent damage.

Summer Landscaping Maintenance

Person watering lush green lawn in suburban backyard with sprinkler.

During the summer, maintaining your landscaping becomes crucial for a thriving yard. From lawn care to garden maintenance and hardscape upkeep, learn how to keep your outdoor space beautiful all season long.

Read more about summer landscaping maintenance tips in this blog post.

Garden Maintenance

Garden maintenance is an important aspect of landscaping maintenance for homeowners. It involves taking care of the plants, flowers, and overall aesthetics of your garden. Here are some key tasks to include in your garden maintenance routine:

  1. Regular watering: Ensure that your plants receive enough water to thrive. Different types of plants have different water requirements, so be mindful of their needs.
  2. Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around your plants to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, regulate soil temperature, and improve the overall health of your garden.
  3. Weed control: Regularly inspect your garden for any weeds and remove them promptly to prevent competition for nutrients and space.
  4. Pruning and trimming: Trim overgrown branches and remove dead or damaged parts from shrubs and trees to promote healthy growth and maintain their shape.
  5. Fertilizing: Provide necessary nutrients to your plants by fertilizing them regularly. Choose the right type of fertilizer based on the specific needs of your plants.
  6. Pest control: Monitor your garden for pests such as insects or diseases that can damage your plants. Take appropriate measures to control and eliminate them before they cause significant harm.
  7. Flower bed maintenance: Deadhead spent blooms regularly to encourage continuous flowering. Remove any debris or fallen leaves from flower beds to maintain a tidy appearance.
  8. Landscape design updates: Consider making changes or improvements to the layout or design of your garden. This could involve adding new plants, rearranging existing ones, or creating new focal points to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal.

Fall Landscaping Maintenance

During the fall season, homeowners should focus on lawn care, tree and shrub maintenance, garden upkeep, and hardscape maintenance to prepare their landscapes for winter.

Lawn Care

Proper lawn care is essential to maintain a healthy and vibrant yard. Here are some important tasks to include in your lawn care routine:

  • Regular mowing: Keep your grass at an optimal height of around 2-3 inches. This promotes healthy growth and prevents weed infestation.
  • Watering: Give your lawn a deep watering once or twice a week, depending on the weather conditions. This helps establish deep roots and ensures proper hydration.
  • Fertilizing: Apply a balanced fertilizer according to the needs of your grass type. This provides essential nutrients for growth and helps maintain a lush green color.
  • Aerating: Over time, soil can become compacted, preventing proper air circulation and water absorption. Aerating your lawn allows nutrients and water to penetrate the soil more effectively.
  • Weed control: Regularly inspect your lawn for weeds and address them promptly. Use appropriate herbicides or manual removal techniques to prevent their spread.
  • Seeding: Patch bare spots or thin areas by overseeding with appropriate grass seed. This helps fill in gaps and promotes a more uniform appearance.

Trees, Shrubs, and Groundcover Maintenance

Proper maintenance of trees, shrubs, and groundcover is essential to keep your landscape looking beautiful throughout the year. Here are some key tasks to consider:

  • Prune trees and shrubs regularly to promote healthy growth and maintain their shape. This will also help prevent any potential safety hazards.
  • Remove any dead or damaged branches from trees and shrubs to improve their overall health and appearance.
  • Mulch around the base of trees and shrubs to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and provide insulation during temperature fluctuations.
  • Keep an eye out for pests or diseases that may affect your trees, shrubs, or groundcover. Promptly treat any issues to prevent further damage.
  • Regularly water your trees, shrubs, and groundcover according to their specific needs. This will help ensure they receive adequate hydration.
  • Apply fertilizer as needed to provide essential nutrients for optimal growth and vitality.

Garden Maintenance

To keep your garden in top shape throughout the year, regular maintenance is crucial. Here are some essential tasks you should include in your garden maintenance routine:

  1. Weed Control: Regularly inspect your garden for weeds and remove them promptly. Weeding not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your garden but also prevents competition for nutrients.
  2. Plant Pruning: Trim overgrown branches and remove dead or diseased parts of plants to promote healthy growth. Pruning also helps maintain the desired shape and size of your plants.
  3. Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around your plants to conserve moisture, suppress weed growth, regulate soil temperature, and improve overall soil health.
  4. Watering: Ensure that your plants receive adequate water based on their specific needs. Proper irrigation helps prevent under or over-watering, which can affect plant health.
  5. Pest Control: Monitor your garden for pests such as insects or diseases that can damage your plants. Use appropriate pest control methods to protect them from harm.
  6. Fertilization: Feed your plants with the right nutrients to support healthy growth. Consider using organic fertilizers or compost to enrich the soil naturally.
  7. Soil Erosion Prevention: Take measures to prevent soil erosion by adding ground cover plants, installing retaining walls, or creating terraces where necessary.
  8. Landscape Design: Plan and design your garden layout carefully, considering factors such as sunlight exposure, wind patterns, and water drainage to optimize plant health and aesthetics.
  9. Outdoor Lighting: Install outdoor lighting solutions in strategic locations to enhance the beauty of your garden during evenings while providing safety and security for your property.
  10. Garden Cleanup: Regularly remove debris such as fallen leaves, twigs, and other clutter from your garden to maintain a tidy appearance and reduce potential pest habitats.

Hardscape Maintenance

Maintaining the hardscape in your landscaping is an important part of keeping your outdoor space looking its best. Here are some tasks to keep in mind for hardscape maintenance:

  1. Regularly inspect your hardscape features, such as patios, walkways, and retaining walls, for any signs of damage or wear.
  2. Sweep and remove any debris or leaves from your hardscape surfaces to prevent staining and buildup.
  3. Power wash your hardscape periodically to remove dirt, grime, and moss that can accumulate over time.
  4. Seal your pavers or concrete surfaces to protect against stains, fading, and weathering.
  5. Check the stability of any stone or brickwork and repair any loose or cracked pieces promptly.
  6. Trim back vegetation that may be encroaching on your hardscape, as it can cause damage and create an unkempt appearance.
  7. Address any drainage issues around your hardscape to prevent water damage or pooling.

Winter Landscaping Maintenance

During the winter months, it is important to continue maintaining your landscaping to ensure its health and beauty. This includes tasks such as removing snow from walkways and driveways, protecting plants from frost and extreme cold, pruning trees and shrubs, and checking irrigation systems for any damage or leaks.

Lawn Care

Taking care of your lawn is essential for maintaining a beautiful and healthy outdoor space. Here are some important tasks to include in your lawn care routine:

  1. Mowing: Regularly mow your lawn to keep it looking tidy and prevent overgrowth. This also helps promote thicker grass growth.
  2. Watering: Ensure that your lawn receives adequate water, particularly during dry periods. Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth.
  3. Fertilizing: Apply fertilizer to provide essential nutrients for your grass. Choose a fertilizer appropriate for your specific grass type and follow the instructions carefully.
  4. Aerating: Improve air circulation and water penetration by aerating your lawn. This involves creating small holes in the soil to alleviate compaction.
  5. Weed Control: Regularly inspect your lawn for weeds and apply appropriate herbicides or use manual methods to remove them.
  6. Overseeding: Fill in bare spots by overseeding with grass seed. This helps maintain a consistent, healthy-looking lawn.

Trees, Shrubs, and Groundcover Maintenance

Taking care of the trees, shrubs, and groundcover in your landscape is essential for maintaining a healthy and beautiful yard. Here are some ways you can ensure their proper maintenance:

  • Prune trees and shrubs regularly to promote healthy growth and shape. This helps prevent overgrowth and maintains an attractive appearance.
  • Remove any dead or damaged branches from trees to prevent potential hazards during storms or high winds.
  • Mulch around the base of trees and shrubs to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil health. Make sure not to pile mulch against the trunks as it can cause rot.
  • Regularly weed around trees, shrubs, and groundcover to prevent competition for nutrients and water. Weeds can also harbor pests that can damage your plants.
  • Check for signs of disease or pest infestation on your trees and shrubs. Early detection allows for timely treatment and prevents further damage.
  • Monitor the watering needs of your trees, shrubs, and groundcover. Providing adequate water is crucial for their survival, especially during dry periods.
  • Consider applying fertilizer to provide essential nutrients for healthy growth. Be sure to follow manufacturer instructions carefully to avoid over-fertilization.

Garden Maintenance

Taking care of your garden is an important part of landscaping maintenance. Here are some essential tasks to keep your garden looking its best:

  • Weeding: Regularly remove weeds from your flower beds and mulch beds to prevent them from competing with your plants for nutrients and water.
  • Trimming: Trim back overgrown plants to maintain their shape and promote healthy growth.
  • Pruning and trimming: Prune shrubs and trees to remove dead or damaged branches and encourage new growth.
  • Edging: Create clean edges around your flower beds and pathways for a neater appearance.
  • Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around your plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil health.

Hardscape Maintenance

To maintain the hardscape in your landscaping, here are some important tasks to consider:

  1. Clean and inspect: Regularly clean hardscape surfaces such as patios, decks, and walkways to remove dirt, leaves, and debris. Inspect for any damage or cracks that need repair.
  2. Repair cracks and damage: If you notice any cracks or damage in your hardscape features like stone walls or concrete pathways, make necessary repairs to prevent further deterioration.
  3. Sealant application: Apply sealant to protect and preserve hardscape materials like pavers, concrete, or wood. This helps prevent staining, water damage, and weathering.
  4. Weed control: Remove any weeds or unwanted vegetation growing in between pavers, on walls, or in gravel beds. Use a weed killer if necessary.
  5. Power washing: Give your hardscapes a thorough cleaning with a power washer to remove stubborn stains or moss buildup. It can also help restore their original appearance.
  6. Lighting maintenance: Check and replace any damaged bulbs or fixtures in your outdoor lighting system for safety and aesthetics.

Cost of Landscaping Maintenance

Learn about the average cost of landscaping maintenance and popular services. Discover how much tree trimming, lawn care, and pest control prices are. Gain insights on hiring a gardener for your yard.

Read more to find out how much landscaping maintenance might cost you.

Average cost

Landscaping maintenance costs can vary depending on the specific services you need and the size of your yard. On average, homeowners spend between $100-500 per month for professional landscaping services.

Popular services such as tree trimming and removal can range from $200-1,000, while lawn care prices typically range from $50-150 per visit. Pest control services can cost around $250-500 per year, and hiring a gardener may cost anywhere from $20-40 per hour.

It’s important to keep in mind that these are just averages, and actual costs will depend on factors like location and the complexity of the job.

Popular services

Homeowners have a wide range of popular landscaping maintenance services to choose from. One of the most sought-after services is tree trimming and removal. This is crucial for maintaining the health and appearance of trees in your yard.

Lawn care also ranks high on the list, as it includes mowing, fertilizing, and aerating to ensure a lush and vibrant lawn. Pest control is another popular service that helps keep unwanted critters away from your garden and yard.

And let’s not forget about gardener costs, which are incurred when you hire professionals to maintain flower beds, mulch beds, and perform regular weeding.

In addition to these essential services, homeowners can also opt for hardscape maintenance to keep their outdoor spaces looking pristine. This involves tasks such as cleaning patios or decks, repairing pathways or retaining walls, and ensuring proper drainage systems are in place.

By investing in these popular landscaping services, homeowners can enjoy a well-maintained yard that adds beauty and value to their property.

Tree trimming and removal costs

Tree trimming and removal costs can vary depending on various factors such as the size of the tree, location, and complexity of the job. On average, homeowners can expect to pay between $300 to $1,000 for tree trimming services.

For larger trees or those requiring removal, prices can range from $500 to $2,500 or more. It’s important to note that these are just rough estimates and actual costs may be higher or lower based on individual circumstances.

Keeping trees well-maintained not only enhances the overall appearance of your landscape but also promotes tree health and safety.

Lawn care prices

Lawn care prices can vary depending on the size of your yard and the specific services you need. On average, homeowners can expect to pay between $30 and $80 for a single lawn mowing session.

If you’re looking for more comprehensive lawn care, such as fertilization or weed control, the cost can range from $50 to $200 per treatment. Tree trimming and removal costs also depend on factors like tree size and complexity, with prices typically ranging from $150 to $1,000.

It’s important to keep in mind that pest control prices and gardener costs may vary as well based on the extent of the work needed. By understanding these average costs, you’ll be better prepared when budgeting for your landscaping maintenance needs.

Pest control prices

Pest control prices can vary depending on the type of pest and the extent of the infestation. On average, homeowners can expect to pay between $100 and $300 for pest control services.

Popular services such as termite extermination or rodent removal may cost more due to the specialized equipment and expertise required. It’s important to address pest problems promptly as they can cause damage to your landscape and pose health risks.

Remember that preventative measures, like regular lawn maintenance and proper sanitation, can help reduce the need for costly pest control treatments in the long run.

Gardener cost

Hiring a professional gardener can vary in cost depending on the services you require. On average, the price ranges between $30 to $80 per hour for their expertise and labor. Popular services such as lawn care, tree trimming, and pest control all have their associated prices as well.

For example, lawn care usually costs around $50 to $100 per session, while tree trimming and removal expenses can range from $250 to over $1,000. It’s important to consider these costs when budgeting for your landscaping maintenance needs.

Remember that investing in a knowledgeable gardener can save you time and ensure your yard looks its best throughout the year.

Tips and Insights from YardWorship (https://yardworship. com/)

YardWorship is a leading landscaping maintenance company that offers valuable tips and insights to help homeowners keep their yards in top shape. One important tip they emphasize is the importance of regular lawn care, which includes mowing, watering, and fertilizing.

By following a proper lawncare schedule, you can maintain a healthy and lush green lawn throughout the year.

Another insight from YardWorship is the significance of maintaining various types of plants in your yard. This includes trees, shrubs, groundcover, flower beds, and garden areas. Regular trimming, pruning, and weeding are essential to ensure their proper growth and appearance.

Additionally, YardWorship provides insights on hardscape maintenance. Taking care of features like pathways, patios or decks helps prolong their lifespan and keeps them looking beautiful.

Pressure washing surfaces regularly helps remove dirt buildup while sealing ensures protection against weathering.

By visiting YardWorship’s website (, homeowners can access more useful tips for effective landscaping maintenance that will help enhance the beauty of their yard all year round.

Importance of Preparing for Winter

Preparing your landscaping for winter is essential to ensure its health and vitality. As the cold weather sets in, taking proactive steps will help protect your plants, lawn, and hardscape from damage and ensure a beautiful landscape come springtime.

One important aspect of winter preparation is protecting your plants from frost and freezing temperatures. Adding a layer of mulch around the base of trees, shrubs, and flower beds can insulate the soil and help retain moisture.

This will prevent freeze-thaw cycles that can damage roots. Additionally, consider wrapping delicate plants with burlap or providing them with temporary shelters to shield them from harsh winds.

Another key consideration is lawn care before winter hits. Giving your lawn a final mow at a slightly lower height than usual helps prevent matting caused by snow accumulation. It also prevents diseases from spreading during dormancy.

Fertilizing your grass with a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer will provide necessary nutrients throughout the dormant period.

Lastly, don’t forget about hardscape maintenance during the winter months. Clearing debris such as leaves or branches off walkways, patios, and driveways prevents slippery conditions when they freeze over.

Additionally, inspecting any outdoor structures or fixtures like fences or lighting ensures they are sturdy enough to withstand inclement weather.

By preparing for winter now, you’ll set yourself up for success in maintaining a healthy landscape all year round while minimizing repair costs in the long run.

Tips for Low-Maintenance Landscaping

  • Choose native plants that are adapted to your region’s climate and soil conditions. These plants are more likely to thrive without requiring excessive care.
  • Use mulch in your flower beds and around trees and shrubs. Mulch helps retain moisture in the soil, suppresses weeds, and insulates plant roots.
  • Install a drip irrigation system or use soaker hoses to efficiently water your plants at their roots. This reduces water waste and ensures that the right amount of water reaches each plant.
  • Group plants with similar water needs together. This allows you to water them more efficiently and reduces the risk of over or under-watering.
  • Choose low – maintenance hardscape materials for paths, patios, and other outdoor areas. Options like gravel or stone require less upkeep than wood or concrete.
  • Minimize the size of your lawn by replacing it with alternative groundcovers or expanding your garden beds. This reduces the amount of mowing and watering needed.
  • Incorporate native grasses into your landscape design. They require less maintenance compared to traditional turf grasses, such as less frequent mowing and fertilizing.
  • Practice proper pruning techniques to promote healthy growth and prevent overgrowth. Regularly remove dead or diseased branches to maintain the overall health of trees and shrubs.
  • Control weeds early on by using natural methods like hand pulling or applying organic weed killers. Preventing weed growth saves time and effort in the long run.

Remember, creating a low-maintenance landscape doesn’t mean sacrificing beauty or functionality. By implementing these tips, you can enjoy a beautiful outdoor space while reducing the time and energy spent on maintenance.


In conclusion, maintaining your landscaping is crucial for a beautiful and healthy yard. By following a seasonal maintenance schedule, you can ensure that your lawn, trees, shrubs, and garden stay in top shape all year round.

Don’t forget to budget for the average cost of landscaping maintenance and consider low-maintenance options to make caring for your yard more manageable. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy a stunning outdoor space that enhances the beauty of your home.


1. How often should I water my plants?

The frequency of watering plants depends on several factors such as the type of plant, weather conditions, and soil moisture. Generally, most plants require watering once or twice a week.

2. When is the best time to mow my lawn?

The best time to mow your lawn is in the early morning or late afternoon when temperatures are cooler. Avoid mowing during the hottest part of the day to prevent stress on your grass.

3. How do I prevent weeds from taking over my garden?

To prevent weeds from taking over your garden, regularly remove them by pulling or digging them out by their roots. You can also use mulch or landscape fabric to suppress weed growth.

4. What should I do if pests are damaging my plants?

If pests are damaging your plants, you can try organic pest control methods such as insecticidal soap or neem oil spray. For severe infestations, it’s best to consult with a professional landscaper for effective solutions.

5. When should I fertilize my lawn and plants?

The timing for fertilizing lawns and pants varies depending on the type of plant and region you live in. As a general guideline, it’s recommended to fertilize lawns in early spring and again in fall, while flowering plants may benefit from regular feeding throughout their growing season.

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