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Garden Fencing For Privacy

Pictures of Fencing For Your Home




There are many styles of fencing available for your home. You may want to choose something that is low maintenance, such as vinyl fencing. You can also choose something that looks like a traditional wooden fence, such as a picket fence or a fence with scallops and balusters. These are popular styles and come in different materials.


There are many styles of fencing to choose from. Wooden fences are a popular choice. But vinyl fences are also a great option if you are looking for a low-maintenance fence. You can choose from a variety of styles, including the Canterbury style, which features two-tiered boards with a normal spacing on the top tier and a tighter spacing on the bottom tier. Another popular style is the baluster fence, which is reminiscent of a New England neighborhood. The balusters on this style fence are of different heights. Picket fences are also an option.

Fence styles

Whether you’re looking to install a fence for privacy, resale value, or simply to add a splash of style to your home, there are many different types of fences available. There are many advantages and disadvantages to each type of fence, so it’s important to understand each one before choosing one.

Fences with balusters

Baluster fences are common in New England, where they are often made of wood and have a distinctive style. These fences are reminiscent of stairways, decks, and porch railings, with the balusters themselves varying in height. Balusters are an excellent option if you’re building your own fence, as they can be easily installed by a do-it-yourselfer.

Fences with lattice slats

Lattice fences are a great way to give your yard privacy. These fences are usually 6 feet tall and have 20-millimeter-spaced slats. The spacing is designed to provide privacy without blocking a view of your yard.

Fences with wrought iron

Wrought iron fences and railings are both attractive and sturdy. They can provide security while enhancing your landscaping. Wrought iron fences can be taller than ordinary fences, but they are generally not taller than five feet. They are also narrower than thick bars and can be round, square, or straight. They can be sculpted to add a towering, breezy effect to your yard.

Fences with vinyl

When choosing a vinyl fence, color and texture can play a major role. Choosing a dark walnut shade, for example, will give the fence a more natural look. But if you are after maximum privacy, you can choose a color that evokes the look of a stained wooden fence. You may also want a fence that resembles the color of your house siding.

Fences with wood

There are several different designs for fencing with wood. The most traditional style is made of pine. But if you’re looking for something more durable and with a more modern look, consider cedarwood. It comes in reddish brown hues and maintains its shape well over time. It also warps less when exposed to the elements.

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