Garden Fencing For Privacy
Covering Chain Link Fences

If you’re in the market for a new fence, you should consider covering it with something other than chain link. Several options are available, such as bamboo screens, U-brackets, Laurels, or mesh windscreens. These fence panels are heavy and require help to install. In addition, you may need to acquire a fence permit.
Bamboo screens
Bamboo screens are an excellent way to cover a chain link fence. They are lightweight and easy to install with wood screws. They can also be decorated to enhance the privacy of your home. Bamboo screens are typically around 3.5 feet tall but can be ordered in any length. They are sold in rolls or panels and can be stained to give them a natural appearance.
Besides the traditional u-brackets, you can also use pipe rail ties to cover a chain link fence. The pipe rail ties are simple to install and wrap around the metal post. They have holes on either side for a screw or bolt to go into. This creates a stronger connection, which reduces wobbles.
Laurels are an excellent option for covering chain link fences. They are typically shrubby and have thick leaves, which provides privacy. The ideal spacing for these plants is two to five feet. Depending on the variety, laurels may eventually grow into the fence, making it difficult to remove them later.
Mesh windscreens
Adding mesh windscreens to a chain link fence is a simple way to add privacy and improve the appearance of your fence. Made from UV-rated polypropylene, mesh windscreens will prevent debris from blowing into your yard and provide 80% to 90% privacy. They are a cost-effective way to cover your chain link fence. Although they may not look attractive, they are extremely durable and can last for years.
Climbing roses
There are several options for covering your chain link fence, including planting climbing roses. Many of these plants can be trained to climb a fence. One example of such a hybrid is New Dawn, a variety that can grow to cover a chain link fence. Climbing roses typically have stiff and tall canes. However, there are several Old Garden roses with long, pliable canes, such as Madame Isaac Periere.
Planting vines
If you want to cover your chain link fence and still maintain its privacy, you can do so by planting vines. You can choose between several kinds of vines that are suitable for covering a chain link fence. Some of them are perennial flowering vines, such as honeysuckle and wisteria. Others are evergreen, such as different types of ivy.
Planting bushes
If you have a chain link fence in your yard, planting a beautiful bush or bushy shrub can conceal or cover it. Choose a shrub that will thrive in your climate. Some plants will need partial shade while others may need full sunlight. You can choose a shrub that will grow taller than your fence to hide it, while others will grow low and accent it.
Planting trees
If you have a chain link fence that you’d like to cover, one option is to plant trees. These plants are able to cover the fence and provide privacy. In addition, they will thrive in both hot and cold climates. However, you should be aware of the fact that some trees, like apple trees, do not thrive well near chain link fences.
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